Our Missionaries
Ethnos 360: John and Rebecca Keefe – Paraguay
John and Rebecca believe that God has chosen them and has given them the privilege to be a part of His work among the Ayoreo, so they are serving together with their sponsoring churches and individuals to assist the Ayoreo church of Campo Loro to reach the River People through evangelism and discipleship ultimately to see functioning, mature churches planted among the River People in Paraguay for His glory. Praise God for the birth of a small church this year!
Ethnos 360: Joel and Gwen Hartman – Brazil
We have been serving here in Brazil since 1989. We are blessed with three grown children who are all married and serving the Lord in various parts of the world on three different continents. We are super blessed also to have 12 wonderful grandchildren! The ministry we are involved in here has somewhat varied over the years, but our purpose is to see the Word of God change lives amongst the people group we work with, who live deep in the Amazon jungle.
We are thankful for the work God is doing in the lives of these indigenous people. We are currently living in a remote river town but we first spent almost 20 years living in the jungles among them. Now, our ministry from “town” is continuing the work of translation of the New Testament into their language, as well as teaching the Word to those who come to town, and encouraging them, believers and unbelievers alike, to know Christ and trust in Him! These primitive people are now being exposed more and more to civilization and all it has to offer, which is gradually changing how they think, how they live, and what they want!
Thank you for lifting us up before the Throne, as we push on to finish what God has called us to do!
Biblical Ministries Worldwide: Jack and Bev McMahan
Gospelink: Everisto Kalakango, National Pastor in Africa
Regardless of the challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ministry and training are going on well. In order to improve performance as we serve the Lord in ministry, top leaders in the church are planning to be meeting twice a week at the pastor’s house in small groups for leadership lessons, in addition to the ones already in place.
The rest of the congregational programs continue as usual, the programs continue as usual, meeting for a Sunday service and prayers according to the restrictions of COVID-19. Women and youths meet on separate days for their encouragements.
Currently, we have no well-organized outreach program for the general membership, unless those with passion for souls would be allowed in small groups, not more than three until the number of coronavirus cases. We will waste no time to start organizing the long-awaited crusade on our church premises.
Pray with us as we implement our theme for this year: Sharing God’s Love.
Everisto and his wife Bertha have six children. Currently, he has one daughter, Joy, still living at home and in her second year of college. His other five children are Noah, Juliet, Loveness, Glory, and Ireen.
Mercy Inc.: Travis Hamilton
I serve as the chief financial officer and director of business at Missions for Mercy, Inc. Besides handling all the financial issues, my main role is to start and scale businesses around the world. The hope is that these businesses will both make a profit for Mercy, and more importantly, be used to tell people about Jesus, especially those who will engage in business but would never step inside of a church.
My wife and I have five kids, Joseph, Charis, JP, Jesse, and Abby. We love raising our kids to follow the Lord and to be lights in their school. We attend Elevation Church in the Indianapolis, Indiana area, where I work with the youth ministry.
Muncie Mission Ministries:
In Matthew 25, Jesus tells us how to build His kingdom. Since 1930, Muncie Mission has responded to share the burdens of some of our most vulnerable neighbors…the hungry, the homeless, the addicted, and families experiencing a crisis. Every day we hear God’s call to provide food, clothing, shelter, and hope for those who are struggling and broken. Join us to share your heart of compassion with strangers in their hour of need.
Muncie Mission Ministries encompasses a growing roster of programs and services that provide immediate relief in times of despair, and longer-term connections that lead to life transformation.
- Emergency Shelter for Homeless Men
- The Muncie HUB – A Multi-Agency Daytime Service Center for People Experiencing Homelessness
- Short-Term Shelter Options for Men, Women, and Families
- Liberty Street Recovery Program – Residential Addictions Recovery for Men
- Beauty for Ashes – Transitional Housing for Women Returning to Independent Living
- Project Greathouse – Transitional Housing for Men Returning to Independent Living
- Family Services – Weekly Food, Hygiene, and Clothing Pantries Plus Emergency Utility Assistance
- Community Lunch – Free Weekday Lunches for Hungry Neighbors
- Holiday Gatherings – Citywide Meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas
- Free Medical Clinic – Basic Healthcare for Those With Fewer Resources
Compassionate care for neighbors is made possible by generous individuals, businesses, and churches who share our concern for those who are hurting, and by operations of the Attic Window Thrift Stores and New Life Recycling Center.
The Seed Company: Kent and Suzanne Hirschelman
Kent currently serves as The Seed Company’s senior director of investor experience for the Western United States. Suzanne and he have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for 40 years, 17 of which have been with The Seed Company. Kent’s service with Wycliffe has included field leadership and Suzanne was the pre-school teacher in the Southern Philippines, and later in Manila, Suzanne and he served as government relations liaisons to the Philippine Department of Education. In 1996, Kent worked in Wycliffe’s Chicago regional office to provide leadership and the very necessary structure needed to operate that region’s program. In 2000, he was asked to serve as a leader in Wycliffe USA’s National Church Relations effort. During that time, he also led the Public Relations office for WBT USA.
Kent is excited about his current role at the Seed Company. God continues to do amazing things like the greatest acceleration of Bible translation in history. If you visit Washington D.C., you can see the ongoing story of Bible translation at the